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Links to England

Howland Ancestry
and Links to England
 The Howland Coat of Arms | |
The Howland surname has many origins but one of the most famous can be traced to a little town in the SE of England known as Newport Pond. My ancestors may have descended from John Howland 1st of Newport Pond. His gggrandson John Howland arrived at Plymouth, Ma. in 1620 on the Mayflower. His other gggrandson Henry Jr., brother of John, arrived in Plymouth in 1623 on the sister ship of the Mayflower known as the Anne. My research hopefully will link my ancestors to one of the brothers. John had another brother named Arthur, from which a possible third connection can be made. |
I am currently trying to find the father of my gggrandfather, John M. Howland. John M. was born in 1828 and died in Phil.,Pa. in 1899. He was married to Mary Gevard who was b. 1800 and d. 1882. His mother was Margaret Morton. She later married James Moore after her husband was lost at sea. While John was still a young child, and after her marriage to James Moore, they moved from the Howland farm in Mass. to Phil.,Pa. . John spent his adult life in Southwark, Pa. as a provision dealer. Sons John and Henry also took on the trade. Which leads me to believe he may have been a grocer or a butcher. John and Mary had John, William, Margaret, Martha, Henry and Charles. Martha had stated in her family history writings that her "father's grandfather was a captain of a vessel and his father was a ship carpenter". Searching for your ancestors can be a very exciting and challenging task. If anyone has any information relating to them or information on families in the Philadelphia area, please drop me an email. I have listed some genealogy websites where you can search for your ancestors here in the U.S. and around the world.
Family data was acquired from members of the Howland, Frech, Purich, Ladd, Gouge, McFarland, Miller, Lewis, Packham and Hipp families. Last update : April 21, 2002. There are over 4,600 individuals so far with my last update. My ancestry file can be found on You can access it by clicking on the link, the Ancestry button in the boarder to the left or use the slide-out menu. 

England's Countryside

 Cotswold Cottage with thatched roof | | England is such a fascinating and interesting country. Anyone who has ever visited it, would surely agree. I have put together a section of links and pictures gathered from the visits I have had there. |
Having been there a number of times "On Holiday", I especially like the quaint little towns in the Cotswolds. There, time has seemed to stand still, unveiling it's unchanging past. England is dotted with picturesque, storybook towns and villages. Checkout the Towns and Villages Links section and see what I mean. If you are into the Pub scene, visit the Pub Gallery where you may find your favorite meeting place. The Pub Signs sections may have you wishing you were there and holding a pint of your favorite spirit. Visit my Photo Gallery and take a trip to some interesting and beautiful towns and villages we have seen in England. The journey includes some sleepy little towns in the Cotswolds, the towns of Norwich, Leiston, Ipswitch, Orford, Framlingham, Stamford, Aldeburgh, Ramsey, and a London and River Thames Gallery. Enjoy your stay, and thanks for stopping by.

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Copyright © 2000 Bob Howland. Page created 26 Aug 2000. Last updated May 9, 2003
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